
이메일을 확인하는데 아래와 같이 메일이 왔습니다. 제 비밀번호를 알고 있네요.


협박 메일 내용은 아래와 같습니다. 보낸이는 save you 라고 하네요.


간단하게 요약하면(의역입니다.- 내용 맞지 않다고 뭐라 하지 마세요.^^),


너의 비밀번호를 알고 있고 네 컴퓨터에 스파이웨어를 심어 놓아서 너의 모든 자료를 가지고 있다.

너의 웹캠에 접근할 수도 있다. 너의 비디오와 모든 개이 자료를 네 소셜네트워크 지인들에게 메일 등을 보낼 것이다.

단 나를 막을 수 있는데, 비트코인 800달러치를 사서 계좌로 쏴라

3일 주겠다.

지불하면 일상으로 돌아 갈 것이다. 


뭐 이런 내용이네요. 어디서 해킹당했는지 어떻게 찾아 내야 할까요?


아래는 메일 내용입니다.


Your pc infected - 내 비밀번호 

보낸사람: Save You 19.07.29 12:52 

메일 내용

Hi, I know one of your passwords is: 내 비밀번호

Your computer was infected with my private malware, your browser wasn't updated / patched, in such case it's enough to just visit some website where my iframe is placed to get automatically infected, if you want to find out more - Google: "Drive-by exploit".

My malware gave me full access to all your accounts (see password above), full control over your computer and it also was possible to spy on you over your webcam.

I collected all your private data and I RECORDED YOU (through your webcam) SATISFYING YOURSELF!

After that I removed my malware to not leave any traces and this email was sent from some hacked server.

I can publish the videos of you and all your private data on the whole web, including the darknet, where the very sick people are, social networks, over email of all contacts.

But you can stop me and only I can help you out in this situation.

Transfer exactly 800$ in bitcoin (BTC).

It's a very good offer, compared to all that horrible shit that will happen if I publish everything!

You can easily buy bitcoin here: www.paxful.com , www.coingate.com , www.coinbase.com , or check for bitcoin ATM near you, or Google for other exchanger.
You can send the bitcoin directly to my wallet, or create your own wallet first here: www.login.blockchain.com/en/#/signup/ , then receive and send to mine.

My bitcoin wallet is: 18jZzWe4Wv4mUNm93rjeWJscqPdhecwsAY

Copy and paste my wallet, it's (cAsE-sEnSEtiVE)

I give you 3 days time to pay.

As I got access to this email account, I will know if this email has already been read.
If you get this email multiple times, it's to make sure that you read it, my mailer script is configured like this and after payment you can ignore it.
After receiving the payment, I will remove everything and you can life your live in peace like before.

Sorry, next time update your browser before browsing the web!

Mail-Client-ID: 4340012047




뭐 공개해도 큰 타격을 입을 것 같지는 않아서 어떻게 하나 지켜 보려고 합니다. 아무래도 윈도우에서 감염된 것 같은데, 귀찮네요. 다음에 생각나면 방화벽 검색해 봐야겠어요.


좋은 방법 있으면 알려 주세요.^^


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