The Yesa reservoir is located in the Pyrenees and is formed by the damming of the river Aragon , in the town of Navarre of Yesa ( Spain ). It is located in the northwest of the province of Aragon in Zaragoza and in the northeast of Navarre . For the most part flooded lands of the call Channel of Berdún , in the Aragonese region of Jacetania being developed in the municipalities of Sigüés , Ruesta , Escó and Tiermas . 1 It is known by the nickname Sea the Pyrenees and is the input of the same . It is the largest navigable surface of Navarre and it comes the Bardenas Canal that decanted water to the area south of the Ribera de Navarra and water the Bardenas and the Zaragoza region of Cinco Villas. Its waters are also intended to supply and electricity generation. (from wikipedia :
The dam is 400 m from the village of Yesa north. It is a gravity dam straight plant constructed of concrete (480,000 m³ were used) with a vertical slope at the top and a tiered, with steps of 2 m high and 1.60 m wide at the bottom , which generates a slope of 0.78. It is equipped with a surface spillway located on the left bank and consists of four large mouths (which are notable for their depth to be visible from the top), intermediate drains and background. It has two sockets for hydroelectric power and one for the channel Bardenas .