
The Place was designed by Ange-Jacques Gabriel in 1755 as a moat-skirted octagon between the Champs-Élysées to the west and the Tuileries Garden to the east. Decorated with statues and fountains, the area was named Place Louis XV to honor the king at that time. The square showcased an equestrian statue of the king, which had been commissioned in 1748 by the city of Paris, sculpted mostly by Edmé Bouchardon, and completed by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle after the death of Bouchardon.

During the French Revolution the statue of Louis XV of France was torn down and the area renamed "Place de la Révolution". The new revolutionary government erected the guillotine in the square, and it was here that King Louis XVI was executed on 21 January 1793.

Other important figures guillotined on the site, often in front of cheering crowds, were Queen Marie Antoinette, Princess Élisabeth of France, Charlotte Corday, Madame du Barry, Georges Danton, Camille Desmoulins, Antoine Lavoisier, Maximilien Robespierre, Louis de Saint-Just and Olympe de Gouges. (from wikipedia)

1755년, 앙제 자끄 가브리엘에 의해 설계된 이 광장에는 원래 루이 15세의 기마상이 설치되어 있었기 때문에 “루이 15세 광장”으로 불리었다. 이후 프랑스 혁명의 발발로 기마상은 철거되고, 이름도 “혁명 광장”으로 고쳐졌다. 1793년 1월 21일 프랑스 혁명 중에는 루이 16세가 이곳에서 처형되었고, 10월 16일 왕비인 마리 앙투아네트가 참수된 형장이기도 했다. 1795년 현재 “콩코드 광장”이라는 이름으로 불리고 시작했고, 공식 이름이 된 것은 1830년이다. 콩코드(Concorde)는 화합, 일치라는 뜻으로, 이 광장의 이름은 이러한 어두운 역사를 넘어 평화화 화합으로 나가자는 프랑스의 염원이 담겨 있는 것이라고 한다.( from wikipedia)

The Obelisk of Luxor at the center of the Place de la Concorde. The obelisk, a yellow granite column, rises 23 metres (75 ft) high, including the base, and weighs over 250 metric tons (280 short tons). It is decorated with hieroglyphs exalting the reign of the king Ramses II.

Given the technical limitations of the day, transporting it was no easy feat: on the pedestal are drawn diagrams explaining the complex machinery that were used for the transportation. The obelisk is flanked on both sides by fountains constructed at the time of its erection on the Place.

Missing its original pyramidion (believed stolen in the 6th century BC), the government of France added a gold-leafed pyramid cap to the top of the obelisk in 1998. (from wikipedia)

Fontaine des Fleuves : The Fontaines de la Concorde are two monumental fountains located in the Place de la Concorde in the center of Paris. They were designed by Jacques Ignace Hittorff, and completed in 1840 during the reign of King Louis-Philippe. The south fountain commemorates the maritime commerce and industry of France, and the north fountain commemorates navigation and commerce on the rivers of France. (from wikipedia)


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