보스턴에 간 이유는 잠시 하버드대학교와 메사추세츠 공대를 보고 싶어서에요. 우리 여행이 그렇듯 아무 준비도 하지 않아서 그냥 눈에 보이는 곳을 잠시 둘러 보았을 뿐입니다. 하버드 대학교에 가서 느낀 것은 아~~~ 여기도 중국사람들이 대부분이네입니다. 정말로 어디를 가든 중국사람들이 엄청 많습니다. 특히 공부와 it 관련된 곳은 10명중 다섯명이 중국인이고 4명이 다른 민족, 그리고 한 명이 한국인인 것 같아요. 뭐 지역에 따라 조금은 다르겠지만, 진짜로 엄청 많습니다.
잠시 옛날 드라마가 떠오르데요, 하버드대학의 공부벌레들이란 드라마인데요, 하버드대학의 법과 교수 킹스필드와 그를 존경하는 제임스 하트 그리고 그 주변인물들이 만들어 가는 드라마였는데, 공부도 재미있겠구나나 나도 하버드대학을 가야지라고 꿈꾸게 했던 드라마입니다. 뭐, 커 갈 수록 절대 갈 수 없다는 걸 알게 되었지만 말입니다. 그래서 그 교정이나마 한 번 걸어 보고 싶어서 갔어요. 방문한 사람들의 상당수가 가족이었어요. 그리고 동네 사람인지, 대학생들인지는 모르겠지만 따뜻한 햇살의 휴일 오후를 즐기는 모습이 참 여유로왔습니다. 건물 내부는 절대 들어 갈 수 없었어요. 그냥 마당에서 잠시 앉아 있다 오는 정도인데요, 하버드대학생이 가이드하는 투어도 있다고 하니 잘 살펴 보세요. 하버드 투어는 http://www.harvard.edu/on-campus/visit-harvard <--- 여기에 설명이 있네요. 가장 만만한 것이 모바일 투어 같습니다.
하버드 대학이 있고 하버드 로스쿨도 있고 수많은 박물관 비슷한 것들과 다양한 것들이 있네요.
그 중에 우리가 본 것은 하버드 대학 건물과 올드야드에요. 뭐 본 것도 아니네요.
3D지도에요. 아주 일부분만 보았네요.
<위의 지도는 애플 맵스에서 가져 온 것입니다.>
도서관으로 가던 중 입구에 붙은 포스터가 괜찮아서 찍은 사진인데요. 그거 보단 우측에 보이는 조형물이 엄청 유명한거네요. Alexander Calder의 The Onion (1965)이란 작품입니다.
http://www.harvard.com/book/alexander_calder_performing_sculpture/ <--- 궁금하신 분은 눌러 들어 가 보세요.
Alexander Calder (1898-1976) is one of modernism’s most captivating and influential figures. First trained as a mechanical engineer, Calder relocated from New York to Paris in the mid-twenties where his acceptance into the city’s burgeoning avant-garde circles coincided with the development of his characteristic form of kinetic sculpture. His early work Cirque Calder, which was presented throughout Paris to great acclaim, prefigures the performance and theatrical aspects that dominate Calder’s pioneering artistic works and are situated as a primary subject of intrigue in this publication. Rather than simply refashion sculpture’s traditional forms, Calder envisioned entirely new possibilities for the medium and transformed its static nature into something dynamic and responsive. Alexander Calder: Performing Sculpture provides detailed insight into that pioneering process through reproductions of personal drawings and notes. Also featured is new research from a wide range of renowned scholars, furthering our understanding of the remarkable depth of Calder’s beloved mobile sculptures and entrenching his status as an icon of modernism. (from harvard.com)
Emerson Hall입니다.
Emerson Hall, located in Harvard Yard in Cambridge, is the home of the University’s Philosophy Department. Named for Ralph Waldo Emerson, the building was designed by Guy Lowell and was completed in 1905. The noted psychologist and philosopher, William James, taught in Emerson Hall when he was at Harvard. Over the entrance of the building is the Biblical inscription: “What is man that thou art mindful of him?” (Psalm 8:4). (from http://mass.historicbuildingsct.com/?p=1283)
Widener Library에요.
The library opened in 1915, but Harvard's collections continued to grow at an astounding rate and by the late 1930s, Widener's shelves were filled to capacity. Space was at a premium for staff and patrons as well as books, which led the library administration to begin a lengthy decentralization process. Over time Harvard built several new libraries to house the increasingly specialized collections. By redistributing books to new libraries, space opened up in Widener, but it was gradually given over to the growing staff hired to attend to the collections. (from http://hcl.harvard.edu/libraries/widener/history.cfm )
여기 잔디밭이 하버드 야드랍니다. 그 곳에서 도서관을 바라다 보았습니다.
요건 도서관 계단에서 The Memorial Church를 바라다 본 모습입니다.
The Memorial Church에요. 교회 페이지가 마련되어 있네요. 궁금하면 옆 주소를 클릭하세요. http://memorialchurch.harvard.edu
The current Memorial Church was built in 1932 in honor of the men and women of Harvard University who died in World War I. The names of 373 alumni were engraved within alongside a sculpture named The Sacrifice by Malvina Hoffman. It was dedicated on Armistice Day on November 11, 1932. The knight's face in The Sacrifice was modelled on the British World War I flying ace, Ian Henderson.
Since then, other memorials have been established within the building commemorating those Harvardians who later died in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. For seventy-five years, it has stood in Harvard Yard opposite Widener Library as a physical reminder of Harvard's spiritual heritage. Since its inception, the Harvard Memorial Church has had weekly choral music provided at its Sunday services by the Harvard University Choir, which is composed of both graduate and undergraduate students in the university. (from wikipedia)
하버드 대학 건물 유지하는 차 같아서 한 장 찍었습니다.
Canaday Hall이라고 신입생 기숙사 같은 곳인가 봅니다.
Canaday, which houses 255 students as well as the Harvard College Women’s Center, is Harvard’s newest and largest freshman dorm as well as one of the most conveniently located in the Yard. Residents are able to get to both Annenberg Dining Hall and the Science Center in less than a minute, and many other classrooms as well as the University Plaza are close at hand. Canaday is divided into seven vertical entryways consisting of a variety of suites from singles to sextuplets. Some rooms on the top floors also have skylights, which give them great natural light. Canaday’s courtyard also serves as a great space for all students to congregate. (from http://fdo.fas.harvard.edu/pages/oak-yard <-- 궁금하면 누르세요.)
Old Yard에요. 하버드 대학 잔디가 나오면 대부분이 여기라고 하네요.
John Harvard 동상입니다. 하바드대학이란 이름은 이 사람으로부터 온거라고 하네요. 죽기 전 전 재산과 장서들을 기증해 그를 기념하기 위해 대학 이름을 바꿨다고 합니다.
이사람 왼쪽 발을 만지고 기념사진을 찍는게 유행인가 봅니다. 소원이 이루어지나 보네요.
그를 기리는 홈페이지가 있네요. http://www.johnharvard.us <--- 궁금하면 클릭하세요.
John Harvard (26 November 1607 – 14 September 1638) was an English minister in America, "a godly gentleman and a lover of learning",whose deathbed bequest to the "schoale or Colledge" recently undertaken by the Massachusetts Bay Colony was so gratefully received that it was consequently ordered "that the Colledge agreed upon formerly to bee built at Cambridg shalbee called Harvard Colledge."Despite a persistent myth to the contrary, John Harvard is properly considered one of the founders of Harvard College.
A statue in his honor is a prominent feature of Harvard Yard. (from wikipedia)
Harvard Hall 문입니다.